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                • 品牌  /  HOMI
                • 内容  /  网站设计
                • 时间  /  2019.03

                HOMI is a dynamic enterprise involved in the manufacturing and distribution of aluminium architectural building products and specialty systems and hardwares.Mr.Eason Zhuang who has`more than 20 years of experience in this particular field of business heads this company along with his team who handles the products involved in the services that we render to our global clients.

                 Business was commenced in the year 2011 to cater to the needs of the construction industry in China and in other countries in terms of high quality and yet economical aluminium architectural building products and façade solutions;the company has come a long way since.

                Our industry has grown from very humble beginnings to a multi faceted organization that it is today.Our staffs of other competent people who are handle independent functions and work as a team constantly striving for betterment.The common motto and credo being‘IN PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE’and it is to this end that our endeavors and labors are directed.

                HOMI offers its worldwide customers a wide range of pre engineered customized aluminium profiles,cost-effective aluminium windows doors and curtain walls.HOMI business extends across Asia,Africa,Oceania and America with production capacity of over 100,000 sqm and 10,000 MT of aluminium profiles annually.


